About me
I had a challenging start in life, raised in an alcoholic family, I soon learnt to escape into videos, books and food. I learnt to people please to avoid any kind of conflict and was always very sensitive to other’s moods and feelings. I somehow ended up in a successful career in the Fashion industry. After about 10 years I realised I wanted to do something more fulfilling. I’d experienced huge shifts myself through having therapy and I retrained as Therapist and Coach and started my own practice in 2015 and I haven’t looked back! While working in the fashion industry, I observed how the creatives I supported thrived in nurturing environments. I’ve taken these skills and developed them in my therapeutic studies to create a comprehensive toolbox for the modern-day employee, particularly those working in high-stress and creative industries.
My own journey has been helped by several amazing Therapists and Coaches who have used a variety of modalities. I want to walk the walk, not just talk the talk and I am not the finished article, still growing! I’ve learnt to overcome low self- esteem and destructive habits and am passionate about helping others do the same. My belief is that our early experiences do shape our adult life but don’t have to define it. In addressing this stuff, we can first heal and then move forward into the person we want to be with the life we want to have. I would be honoured to help you through this process.
DHP (Diploma in Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy)
AdDHP (Advanced Diploma in Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy)
PNLP (Practitioner in NLP) Certificate in Counselling
DEMDR (Diploma in EMDR)
AC Accredited Coach
My approach
I don’t believe that any one is ‘broken’ and need ‘fixing’- sometimes we simply lack the tools required to overcome obstacles standing in the way of living life to the full. I describe my style as nurturing, open, fun, creative and real. I see my approach as a bit of a blend of coaching and therapy and I often bring in therapeutic intervention into my coaching work, where appropriate, and work at a deeper level where needed to overcome a block or limiting belief. This can take a little time, after all it’s often taken months or even years to get to the current place of stuck-ness, it won’t change overnight. I use a variety of modalities to support you through change and transformation. I’m constantly adding to my tool kit and my work is informed by many theories and experts from the Psychotherapy and Coaching worlds. I believe our work is collaborative and I will provide a safe space, accountability and opportunity for you to cultivate your own intuition.
Who I work with
I work with clients who have reached a point where they are ready let go of what is keeping them stuck: anxiety, negative thoughts, behaviours and patterns to emerge as stronger, healthier and happier individuals.
Modern life is stressful – you don’t need me to tell you that! If you have struggled with not feeling your best for a while and need some help with coping strategies or feel stuck in need of some clarity or you simply want a bigger, more expansive life then get in touch to arrange a discovery call.
Results You Can Expect
Feel happier, more confident and able to handle life’s stresses
Have more work life balance
Release old patterns, allowing you to become the person you’ve always wanted to be
Tap into your inner resources helping you to become stronger and more resilient
Have better relationships
Feel more positive about the future
Be more present and focused
No longer take criticism personally
Be free of self -sabotage
Have the confidence to switch careers or leave an unhealthy relationship
Help you move forward with your life with a sense of freedom from the past
Become the very best version of yourself!
Methods explained
During hypnosis we access the subconscious part of the mind by entering a highly relaxed state or ‘alpha brainwave state’. In this state our mind is more receptive and very open to suggestion. Children are often in this mind state – hence their ability to absorb new information like little sponges. Hypnotherapy enables us to make deep and lasting changes in patterns, behaviours and how we feel and it’s often much quicker than solely using talking therapy. Most people find being hypnotized a very pleasant experience and are fully aware of what is going on. We only go as ‘deep’ into trance as our mind feels comfortable.
CBT is a therapy method that looks at our thought patterns and how we can challenge and change them. It’s extremely effective in treating things like anxiety and depression. Through becoming aware of certain triggers, we can interrupt negative thoughts which lead to us feeling low or anxious, and replace negative thinking with a more realistic of positive outlook.
EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing. It’s used in particular for clients with trauma/ PSTD and Complex PTSD but can also be used to treat anxiety and stress. The process of EMDR enables people to access traumatic memories and remove the emotional distress associated with them and subsequently reduces the negative impact on a client’s life today e.g. limiting beliefs that they are helpless or not good enough resulting from the traumatic events or events. Unlike traditional talking therapy there is not much interpretation but the process itself facilitates the client’s own emotional process, moving into a state of healing and emotional resilience.

Arrange a discovery call now
There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.
Client feedback
“Kate’s sensitive and pragmatic help and support have made such a difference to my life. She has guided me through a very difficult time with empathy, patience, compassion and just the right amount of humour. I always leave our sessions feeling so much better. I cannot recommend her highly enough.”
Kathy, Writer
“Working with Kate has been life changing! I was stuck in life and not sure where I was going. I had been recommended by a friend who I could see had very visible signs of change and happiness which prompted me to reach out. Kate has helped me with my family, friends and work relations and I can honestly say I am a happier, healthier person. I’ve now left my corporate job and am a full time Artist and Business Owner! Thank you so much Kate , you have no idea how much you’ve helped me!”
Nirali, Artist, London